Recreational Gymnastics
Pre-K Gymnastics (3–5 years old, coed)
*children must be potty-trained
Our youngest level of independent classes will introduce your child to working alongside their
peers and taking direction from someone other than their parents. This class will focus on basic, yet
fundamental progressions for beginning gymnastics skills and promote the importance of an active
lifestyle and gaining confidence in their physical abilities.
K-1 Gymnastics (5–7 years old, coed)
*recommended for children who've taken at least a year of pre-k gymnastics, and are in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
Our K-1 gymnastics classes continue to work on skill progressions while helping children develop physically as well as cognitively. Studies have shown that children who participate in physical activity excel in reading and math skills, along with many other social skills that will help your child succeed in the classroom, making our classes a great compliment to your child’s busy school schedule.
Recreational Gymnastics (7-12 years old, girls or boys)
*recommended for students in second grade and higher
Our school-aged gymnastics curriculum, designed for students in second through sixth grades, incorporates a progression-based approach for girls of all
athletic abilities, or boys beginning their gymnastics journey. Each class is organized by age to maximize learning maturities, and instruction is based on the skill-level of each child. Skills are broken down into small, fundamental parts, allowing students to consistently experience success, while gaining skills at an comfortable rate for their individual strength and ability levels. These groups are not coed so that we can focus on the appropriate apparatuses for each class.
Tumbling Plus (6–12 years old, coed)
*recommended for students in first grade and higher
Our Tumbling Plus class is perfect for any child interested in learning how to "flip" and twist! If your child is on a cheer or dance team, or is enrolled in marshal arts or parkour, this class is an excellent supplement, as it will help develop the acrobatic skills needed for their routines. With an emphasis on basic and fundamental gymnastics tumbling skills, this class focuses on everything from forward and backward rolls to front and back handsprings, aerials, tucks, and more! And as an added bonus, we also incorporate two gymnastics events each week to keep things interesting and to continue improving your child's overall strength and coordination!
Tumbling Plus- INT (6–12 years old, coed)
**instructor evaluation required *recommended for students in first grade and higher
Our Tumbling Plus- INT class is perfect for any child interested in learning how to "flip" and twist! If your child is on a cheer or dance team, or is enrolled in marshal arts or parkour, this class is an excellent supplement, as it will help develop the acrobatic skills needed for their routines. With a continued emphasis on basic and fundamental gymnastics tumbling skills, this class requires that athletes already have a solid background skills first before they enter this class. Students will need a roundoff, backward roll, back bend, and bridge kickover by themselves prior to enrolling in this class. And as an added bonus, we also incorporate the uneven bars each week to keep things interesting and to continue improving your child's overall strength and coordination!
Second Class Discount
20% off additional class tuition
Sibling Discount
10% off tuition for each
additional child
Birthday Parties
Who's invited? Your birthday child and 15 party guests.
What's included? 1.5 or 2 hours of birthday fun! Plus the birthday child gets a free t-shirt and the party guests get a free-class coupon!
Where's it located? CORE Gymnastics.
When's it offered? Saturday afternoons at 1:30 or 4:00.
Why do we do them? Because a child's birthday is the most important day in their life and it only happens once a year! We want to make sure it's as spectacular as possible.
Field Trips
Are you looking for a field trip opportunity for your preschool, day care center, or home-school co-op? Try a field trip to CORE Gymnastics! Students will enjoy the physical activity, teamwork, and of course, fun!
For more information or to schedule please email: